Data Capture
CRM/ERP Integration
A customer relationship management (CRM) program is an extremely useful tool for your business. But did you know it can be combined with your loyalty card app to give you even more insight into your consumer base? Here’s how we help you to use your existing CRM database to power your loyalty program. Don’t have an existing CRM? Our Loyalty Console module can provide CRM functionality out of the box.

Full transaction data.
If you’re using your loyalty program to better understand your customers, you probably want to be able to sync it up with the data collected by your CRM software. Our reward card solution can handle this smoothly for you. Direct CRM integration ensures you have access to complete transaction data with 100% accuracy, so you can gain greater insight into your customers and what they are buying.

Get the complete picture.
You don’t want to be searching through different information sources in order to see what your customers are doing. Combine 1st party data from different sources to create a 360-degree single profile of your customer. Avoiding siloed systems is a first step towards a successful omnichannel strategy.

Grow the value of your consumer base.
By combining multiple data sources and using our AI and machine learning module, you can understand the effectiveness of your loyalty program. Our software connects with your CRM to let you compare the behaviour of customers enrolled in your loyalty program with your regular customers, to enhance your strategic decisions.

Keep your customers engaged by sending them personalised and targeted messages to encourage them to come back to your business, or offer them deals and special offers. To help you understand the success of your program, our solution lets you measure your performance and gain insight from an on-going analysis.

Support for the most popular CRM Systems.
What CRM system do you use? It doesn’t matter! We already have the ability to integrate with many of the world’s most popular CRM systems, and we have more in development so we will be able to help your business out no matter what you use.

Choose your interface.
You can interact with our loyalty app however you want. Your customer can identify themselves using a QR code or account number displayed in our mobile app or microsite. You can then link your customers to their transactions and collect and unify end user data. Already have an app? Check out our SDK solution.