
Financial Services

Financial businesses can encourage loyalty by nurturing and expanding their customer relationships. Just because people use your product doesn't mean they're engaged with your brand. Rewards help you become the first choice in your customers' wallets and minds.

Financial Services


Enough transactional data but lack of customer insight

Struggles with engagement and retention due to low differentiation

Lack of customer-brand relationship hinders loyalty

Becoming the ‘primary option’ or top of wallet

Nexi + Nets
OTP Bank

Suggested Use Cases

Instant Cashback

Using affiliate offers, let your customers automatically earn cashback on their online shopping with your own branded extension or SDK.

Member Rewards

An out of the box rewards solution to make it more attractive to become a customer and add value to stay a customer.

Just turn on loyalty

As you’re already collecting a lot of transactional customer data, you need a solution that will make use of these without causing too much friction. Our solution is API-first and event-based, which means it’s easy to integrate into your existing systems and use your existing data streams for loyalty interactions. We can be the loyalty engine in your stack that will enable you to simply turn on loyalty and incentivise more of your desired customer behaviour. What’s more, we make it easier to combine your existing data with our AI-driven platform for even more insights all in one place.

Just turn on loyalty

The brand of choice

In an industry like financial services, longevity is crucial for success. Reward your customers for staying loyal to you and let them do the marketing for you by referring you to their friends and family (and then reward them both for joining and spreading the word!).

Learn about our referral system
The brand of choice

Expectations, expectations, expectations

With so many options available, your customers may be tempted to move their business elsewhere. They expect to be treated better than anywhere else, and what better way to do it than to truly understand them and their expectations? Gather crucial data so that you can offer them the right rewards at the right time.

Expectations, expectations, expectations

Digital era

Your customers are likely to research their options online, so that's where you should reach them. Providing exclusive digital rewards can enhance your value proposition. And with our platform, the entire process is easy for both you and your customers.

Digital era

Gamify to win them over

Encourage frequency or transactions, use of bank cards or GDPR consent with smart gamification. By setting goals and challenges that use rewards as incentives, you can engage more of your customer base and get closer to your KPIs.

Gamify to win them over

Popular technologies in your industry


Case Study


Wesleyan Case Study

Learn how Wesleyan achieved 96% satisfaction rate with their rewards scheme aimed at increasing customer retention.