White Label Loyalty + Zendesk integration

Customer Success, Ticketing


About Zendesk

Connect your loyalty program in Zendesk without researching its API, registering in a developer program, and getting your application approved. We take care of authentication, secure credentials storage, and token refreshes so you don't have to.

Dubai Holding
Burger King

Benefits of White Label Loyalty + Zendesk

  • Connect Zendesk to your loyalty program with ease.
  • Get started without the need to research any APIs.
  • User-friendly setup & configuration inside of our Loyalty Console.
  • Focus on your customers – not the tech.
Integrate now!

Integrate now!

Choose our API-first platform and simply connect to hundreds of software tools you might be using.

Automate desired actions with Zendesk

Create an omnichannel experience for your customers and automate actions between the White Label Loyalty platform and Zendesk in real time.

Add Tags

You can also add tags to multiple tickets with the Update Many Tickets endpoint.

Safe Update

If the same ticket is updated by multiple API requests at the same time, some tags could be lost because of ticket update collisions. Include updated_stamp and safe_update properties in the request body to make a safe update.

For updated_stamp, retrieve and specify the ticket's latest updated_at timestamp. The tag update only occurs if the updated_stamp timestamp matches the ticket's actual updated_at timestamp at the time of the request. If the timestamps don't match (in other words, if the ticket was updated since you retrieved the ticket's last updated_at timestamp), the request returns a 409 Conflict error.


  "tags": ["customer"],

For details, see Protecting against ticket update collisions.

Allowed For

  • Agents

Autocomplete Users

Returns an array of users whose name starts with the value specified in the name parameter. It only returns users with no foreign identities.

Allowed For

  • Agents

Autocomplete Organizations

Returns an array of organizations whose name starts with the value specified in the name parameter.


  • Offset pagination only

See Using Offset Pagination.

Allowed For

  • Agents

Bulk Create Memberships

Assigns up to 100 agents to given groups.

Allowed For

  • Admins


This endpoint returns a job_status JSON object and queues a background job to do the work. Use the Show Job Status endpoint to check for the job's completion.

Autocomplete Problems

Returns tickets whose type is "problem" and whose subject contains the string specified in the text parameter.

You can specify the text parameter in the request body rather than the query string. Example:

{"text": "fire"}

Allowed For

  • Agents

Bulk Delete Automations

Deletes the automations corresponding to the provided comma-separated list of IDs.

Note: You might be restricted from deleting some default automations. If included in a bulk deletion, the unrestricted automations will be deleted.

Allowed For

  • Agents

Request Parameters

The DELETE request takes one parameter, an ids object that lists the automations to delete.

Name Description
ids The IDs of the automations to delete

Example request

  "ids": "25,23,27,22"

Call and retrieve data from Zendesk

Connect data collections between White Label Loyalty and Zendesk for a smooth flow via an API.

 listfind By Idcreateupdatedelete
Permission Groups

Case Study


Wavin Case Study

Learn how Wavin connected with their end-customers via a branded loyalty app and grew their user base 17x in the first 6 months.

Choose White Label Loyalty and become a loyalty leader